

Backup, HOW

This is the fourth & last blog in my set about Backup. If this is the first time you are accessing my blog, please read the prior backup posts. In the first installment I have written about where to backup your data, after the first Backup blog there was a hiatus with a post about computer & …

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מחשב נייח

Huntkey T91 Case

Computer cases, we always read big review about state of the art advanced & first rate computer cases, which cost more than a standard everyday computer. I am servicing a wide variety of clients, from the graphic studios, trough the gamers community (more advices than sells, they are doing a lot themselves), I have clients …

Huntkey T91 Case לקריאה »


Backup, What to backup

Last Backup Post was about where to store the precious information copies, this one will be about What! How to address different kind of information. Every System has his own Backup needs & the solution for a small business might not fit a medium company with multiple servers & active directory. A business based scheme …

Backup, What to backup לקריאה »

אבק במחשב

Computers & Dust

Computer Physical cleaning is not less important than scheduled Defrag or Registry cleaning & maintenance.  The computer is pumping/streaming a lot of air through its innards. The more fans, the more amounts of air passes from the front of the computer Figure 1 – CPU Cooler Fins Dust Clogged throughout the GPU & CPU fans …

Computers & Dust לקריאה »


Importing Pictures

First the mobile gadgets and Cams Importing pictures from them should be easy. Any appliances that uses a flash card, do not plug it in the computer, it will always be slower than taking the card out of the camera & inserting it in a card reader and do the copy from there. Not all …

Importing Pictures לקריאה »

לוח אם

DIY SysAdmin

“Could not reconnect all network drives” after hibernating several times in windows 7 Disclaimer; this one is not a 100% sure fix, I had this problem in XP as well, but since I did not check the solution then, I cannot be sure it is the same DNA. I do not shut down my windows every …

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